Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Approach You Can Have Healthier Chocolate

What is it about chocolate that make it so irresistible? We eat for any reason; as a treat to reward ourselves, to lift us when we are down or in our favourite desserts. It ticks al the boxes, but we also know that we shouldn't eat the amount that we do, unless it was healthy chocolate of course.

Well you probably didn't know this but there is, and it still contains the good stuff such as the minerals and antioxidants. It doesn't however, have all the bad stuff in it.

This is dark chocolate, which is basically chocolate without all the fattening ingredients such as milk solids and cocoa butter and a bucket load of sugar! There is a low fat, bitter chocolate which is even better for you, but there's one thing that you should know.

Chocolate isn't actually food as far as our bodies are concerned, they will merely store away all the bad stuff and ignore the good bits. This makes our guilty treat even worse for us than we thought!

It's a little known fact that dark chocolate has a very high iron content; so a perfect complement is food such a blueberries which are rich in vitamin C. This balances the nutrition and makes sure that your body absorbs the iron from the chocolate properly, and tastes delicious at the same time.

As dark chocolate contains a lot of iron, eating it with foods high in Vitamin C ensures that all the nutrients are absorbed and you get all the benefits. You have the best of both world here; you get all the iron, vitamins etc and it tastes absolutely gorgeous as well.

When I worked as a chocolatier I regularly consumed dark chocolate with all manner of fruits; in particular berries and nuts. A blood test showed that my levels of vitamins and minerals were perfect and I didn't gain any weight.

There is now no excuse for filling up on cheap and nasty milk chocolate which will just add pounds. A healthier bar of dark chocolate which has fruit and nuts in it will do the same job but without any weight gain.

One last thing, just because you know it's healthier doesn't mean you can pig out, be sensible!


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